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​Be. APS is driven by a distinctive community of scientists, whose energy and co​m​​​​​​​mitment ensure the global advancement of plant health worldwide and promoting the development and adoption of economically and environmentally sustainable practices. Plant pathology is not just what we "do"―it's who we "are." Your active involvement in advocating for the future of plant pathology assures a healthy world for future generations.

Grow. APS Foundation is committed to growing plant pathology. Foundation funds support students and early-career professional members of APS, through a variety of funding opportunities that support travel, research, education, professional development, mentoring ​programs, and other APS strategic initiatives that increase awareness and support the study and practice of plant pathology.​

Give. Support the APS Foundation. Your contribution creates opportunities​ for APS student and early career members, helping to ensure a bright future for plant pathology.​ 

The American Phytopathological Society is a nonprofit organization​, recognized as tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. ​

Foundation Board MembersApply for Funding​​ ​​Awardees​

Givin​g O​​ptionsEstablished Funds​​ ​​D​onors​
