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2011 APS Annual Meeting Abstract


Comparison of genes underlying two QTL conferring partial resistance to Phytophthora sojae from resistant and susceptible soybean genotypes
H. WANG (1), A. Wijeratne (2), S. Wijeratne (2), S. K. St. Martin (3), A. E. Dorrance (1)
(1) The Department of Plant Pathology, The Ohio State University, Wooster, OH, U.S.A.; (2) Molecular and Cellular Imaging Center, OARDC, Wooster, OH, U.S.A.; (3) The Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, U.S.A.
Phytopathology 101:S186

Partial resistance in soybean is mediated by quantitative trait loci (QTL) which confer broad-spectrum durable resistance to Phytophthora sojae. Two QTL on Chr. 19 in resistant cultivar Conrad were identified. Approximately 160 genes from these regions were amplified with long-range PCR, including 1.2 kb upstream and 400 bp downstream regions, from this resistant cultivar and the susceptible cultivar Sloan. Products ranged from 2-8 kb and were sequenced using Illumina GA. Reads were assembled against the sequenced soybean genome, Williams 82. A total of 1025 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified from the amplicons between Conrad and Sloan. In comparison to both Sloan and Williams82, Conrad had 304 SNPs in 54 genes, and there were 11 genes in which Conrad sequence variation was unique. Twenty-nine SNPs were selected and verified by designing SNP markers using PCR Amplification of Multiple Specific Alleles (PAMSA) technique. This variation in sequence among these key genes may contribute to the difference in gene functions or changes in expression levels in response to pathogen infection. Expression patterns of 20 genes in these regions in response to inoculation with P. sojae will also be discussed. This study provides additional SNP markers for fine mapping and marker-assisted resistance breeding for this trait.

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