Perception by growers and consultants of the importance of corn diseases
P. ESKER (1), C. Bradley (2), P. Paul (3), A. Robertson (4) (1) University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, U.S.A.; (2) University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, U.S.A.; (3) Ohio State University, Wooster, OH, U.S.A.; (4) Iowa State University, Ames, IA, U.S.A. Phytopathology 101:S50
To improve our knowledge about perceptions of corn disease management for successful corn production, a multi-state survey was conducted in Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, and Wisconsin in 2010. An equal number of surveys were sent out to randomly selected growers and consultants (n = 188 for each group and state for a total of 1,504 surveys). The valid response rate was 47%. Preliminary data analyses have been conducted. In both grower and consultant groups, maximizing profit and/or yield were considered the two most important components of successful corn production. In a series of questions (n = 13) about the relative importance of different production practices, foliar fungicides were ranked from 9th to 13th by consultants and 12th to 13th by growers, yet a high percentage of consultants have recommended the use of fungicides (>50%). Disease resistant hybrids, however, were ranked 6th to 9th and 5th to 7th by consultants and growers, respectively. Weeds were considered more important for managing than insects or diseases. Among different disease categories, stalk rots were considered a significant risk to annual corn production, although there was some variation in responses across states and groups. However, most consultants and growers considered themselves only good (mid-rating) at disease diagnostics. These results suggest that further efforts are needed to improve knowledge of the impact of corn diseases on an annual basis.
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