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Poster: Diseases of Plants: Disease Detection & Diagnosis


Development of a rapid and reliable isothermal AmplifyRP diagnostic assay for specific detection of Xylella fastidiosa
R. LI (1), P. Russell (2), N. Mcowen (2), B. Davenport (2), S. Zhang (2) (1) Agdia Inc., U.S.A.; (2) Agdia Inc, U.S.A.

Xylella fastidiosa, infecting 309 plant species belonging to 63 families and 193 genera, is a regulated bacterial pathogen in many countries. Recently X. fastidiosa was associated with the devastating olive quick decline syndrome (OQDS) in southeastern Italy, resulting in an unprecedented concern to its spread in Mediterranean countries. In order to meet the needs for quarantine detection and field diagnostics, Agdia developed an advanced AmplifyRP assay for the detection of X. fastidiosa. The assay combined both endpoint (Acceler8) and real-time (XRT) detection in a single reaction PCR tube. This characteristic allows users to either collect the quantitative fluorescence data using a portable fluorometer or observe the qualitative test result in a disposable detection chamber. The assay is as sensitive as that of the published quantitative real-time PCR and has no cross-reaction to the closely related Xanthomonas species and numerous tested host plants including grape, citrus, and olive. The assay uses crude plant extracts and is applicable for use in both laboratories and fields. This assay provides users a fast and reliable tool to detect X. fastidiosa carried by plant materials and insect vectors from the contaminated regions.