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Poster: Diseases of Plants: New & Emerging Diseases


Stone fruit survey efforts in Texas monitoring for Plum Pox Virus, European Stone Fruit Yellows & Light Brown Apple Moth: 2015-2016.
K. ONG (1), S. Rhodes (1) (1) Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, U.S.A.

The Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab continues participation in the National Stone Fruit Survey in FY15, monitoring for pathogens of concern for the stone fruit industry in Texas. The Texas A&M stone fruit breeding plots and four (4) commercial peach orchards in 3 counties were tested for the presence of Plum Pox Virus (PPV) and European Stone Fruit Yellows (ESFY) phytoplasma in 2015. A total of 667 foliar peach and plum samples were tested for PPV. For virus detection, each sample was tested by ELISA using Agdia ELISA kits and following USDA APHIS PPQ and National Plant Diagnostic Network protocols. All 667 samples tested negative for all five strains of PPV. ESFY was not observed or detected in any of the surveyed peach orchards. This survey effort will continue through 2016, focusing on PPV, ESFY and the Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM). This survey is monitor for possible introduction of these pests and allows for early detection.