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Poster: Biology & Disease Mgmt: Integrated Pest Mgmt


The Nærstad model for potato late blight is available on the open source license technology platform VIPS
B. NORDSKOG (1), A. Hermansen (1), V. Le (1), H. Eikemo (1), A. Hjelkrem (1), T. Skog (1), R. Nærstad (1) (1) Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway

The Nærstad model for potato late blight (Phytopthora infestans) is a weather driven forecast model based on validation trials with spore traps and trap plants under Norwegian field conditions. The model combines sub models for spore production, release, survival, and infection, with calculations derived from hourly values of temperature, relative humidity, global radiation, leaf wetness (LW), and precipitation. LW may also be calculated with additional wind and net radiation parameters. The model output is presented as hourly risk values for infection of P. infestans. The Nærstad model is currently provided to users in Norway, Sweden and Latvia through the open source licensed technology platform VIPS (www.vips-landbruk.no). Data from most online weather stations or public weather data networks can be implemented into the VIPS system, including virtual weather stations based on weather forecasts. In VIPS, models such as the Nærstad model can easily be tested and validated under local conditions. Model outputs from multiple weather stations can be displayed in a map to visualize regional differences, in addition to more detailed outputs for each location. The open source license allows users of VIPS to make adaptations and changes to accomodate local needs, test and validate models locally or as part of an international network, and eventually provide the models directly to end users through the same system.