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Poster: Biology & Disease Mgmt: Integrated Pest Mgmt


Evaluation of management programs of yellowing and wilting of blackberry (Rubus sp.) caused by Fusarium oxysporum in Michoacan Mexico
A. REBOLLAR-ALVITER (1), A. Hernandez-Cruz (2), A. Saldivia-Tejeda (3) (1) Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Mexico; (2) Instituto Tecnologico del Valle de Morelia, Mexico; (3) Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Posgrado en Proteccion Vegetal, Mexico

Yellowing and wilting of blackberry (Rubus sp.), caused by F. oxysporum is one of the most devastating diseases in Michoacan, Mexico. The objective of this research was to evaluate different disease management programs using biological control agents (BCA), plant activators, and fungicides. The experiment was established in 2014 and 2015 in a plantation of blackberry cv. Tupy. A randomized complete block design with 4 blocks and 13 treatments and a control were used. Treatments consisted of sequential applications of fungicides (prochloraz, difenoconazole, thiabendazole, azoxystrobin and methyl thiophanate), plant activators (acibenzolar-S-methyl, potassium phosphite, oligosaccharin-glutathione), BCA (Trichoderma harzianum, Streptomyces lydicus strain WYEC 108) and microbial mixtures (Maya Magic ® and Microsoil ®). Area Under Disease Progress (AUDPC) of incidence, severity and plant mortality were assessed. There were significant differences between treatments. Treatments with the lowest AUDPC were the mixtures of microorganisms (Maya Magic®) without significant differences with treatments beginning with 2 to 3 applications of prochloraz or difenoconazole followed by Glutathione-oligosaccharins, and azoxystrobin, followed by acibenzolar S methyl applications. These results indicate that it is feasible to significantly reduce the severity and mortality in F. oxysporum-infected blackberry plantings, if disease management programs begin early in the growing season.