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Oral: Balancing a Successful Career and Family


Balancing a Successful Career and Family
J. CRANE (1), F. Baysal-Gurel (2), M. Brewer (3) (1) Valent BioSciences Corporation, U.S.A.; (2) Tennessee State University, U.S.A.; (3) University of Georgia, U.S.A.

Whether you are a student, postdoc, or established researcher, balancing work and family life can be a challenge, but as many successful scientists with families can attest, it can be done. You do not have to opt out of a science career to raise a family or give up family life to be a successful plant pathologist. Experiences and advice on managing family and career responsibilities will be discussed at four roundtables, and participants are invited to rotate tables every 15 minutes. Topic areas to be discussed will be balancing a successful career and family life when: 1. You are a dual career couple or a single parent/single caregiver (moderated by Lance and Molly Cadle-Davidson and Francesca Hand); 2. You have children and/or are a caregiver of an adult family member (moderated by Timothy Murray); 3. You or one of your family members are dealing with temporary or ongoing health or medical issues, including special needs (moderated by Amy Charkowski); 4. You know your rights under the Family and Medical Leave Act, including leave for maternity/paternity, adoption, and caregiving (moderated by Carla Garzon and Samantha Thomas). Strategies for coordinating work and home life vary from person to person, but balancing the two can be very satisfying on both professional and personal levels.