
​​​​Harnessing the Technology Revolution for a More Sustainable World

​Explore the dynamic fusion of cutting-edge technologies and sustainable agricultural practices with APS at Plant Health 2024. You'll learn about the profound opportunities and challenges to safeguard plant health in this transformative era influenced by big data, robotics, AI, and genomics.​

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​Why A​ttend Plant Health 2024?


Learn from a lineup of distinguished speakers and industry thought leaders


Build impactful relationships and gain diverse perspectives​


Examine groundbreaking research and advancements in plant health technology


E​​ngage with​ an interactive environment for dynamic sessions with real-world applications

​Donate to the Annual Meeting OIP Silent Auction!

Do you travel often and bring back interesting items? Donate them to the OIP Silent Auction! We invite you to bring your unique cultural items to Plant Health 2024. Complete the form to get your items into the silent auction. 

Programming Highlight

Disruptive Technology

Explore how groundbreaking technologies are reshaping plant health and the transformative impact of disruptive technologies in agriculture. Join us for sessions on genome-edited disease-resistant crops, innovative approaches in plant disease epidemiology, and the role of AI in educational outreach. ​

View Program​​

Meet the ​Plenary Panelists

We are eager to host​​ Professor Matthew D. Clark, Research Leader at Natural History Museum London,​ as one of our panelists for Tuesday's Plenary Session! Join us July 30 to hear our distinguished guests share their expertise in "Harnessing the Technology Revolution for a More Sustainable W​orld."​

​Learn More​​​

​​​Explore the Best of Memphis

​We want to help you plan a safe and inclusive trip to Plant Health 2024. APS is working with the city of Memphis and our meeting venue to help you have a warm and engaging experience during your visit. You can view this growing list of resources to plan your stay.​

View City Resources

​​Exhibition & Sponsorship

​​​Interested in Exhibiting at or Sponsoring Plant Health 2024? Fill out the forms below!

Sponsorship Form Exhibition Form

A Big Thank You to Our Sponsors!