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VIEW ARTICLE   |    DOI: 10.1094/MPMI-9-0214

Occurrence among Phytophthora Species of a Glycoprotein Eliciting a Hypersensitive Response in Tobacco and Its Relationships with Elicitins. Fabienne Baillieul. Institut de Biologie Moleculaire des Plantes du CNRS, Universite Louis Pasteur, 12, rue du General Zim- mer, 67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France. Bernard Fritig, and Serge Kauffmann Institut de Biologie Moleculaire des Plantes du CNRS, Universite Louis Pasteur, 12, rue du General Zim- mer, 67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France. MPMI 9:214-216. Accepted 24 November 1995. Copyright 1996 The American Phytopathological Society.

Elicitins and a glycoprotein produced by the H20 strain of Phytophlhora megasperma are elicitors of the hypersensitive response in tobacco. Structural relationships between elicitins and the glycoprotein were detected by immuno-blotting. Like elicitins, the glycoprotein was found to be produced by several Phylophthora species, and might contribute to a reduction in their pathogenicity.

Additional Keywords: Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun NN, serology