Postharvest Chemical Treatments for Control of Blue Mold of Apples in Storage. D. H. Spalding, Research Plant Pathologist, Market Quality Research Division, ARS, USDA, Plant Industry Station, Beltsville, Maryland 20705; R. E. Hardenburg, Research Horticulturist, Market Quality Research Division, ARS, USDA, Plant Industry Station, Beltsville, Maryland 20705. Phytopathology 61:1308-1309. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-61-1308.
Heated suspensions of benomyl or Thiabendazole [2-(4-thiazolyl) benzimidazole] used as postharvest dips (3 min at 45 C) effectively controlled blue mold in wounded and inoculated Golden and Red Delicious apples during 2 months at 0 C followed by 1 week at 21 C. Comparable tests with heated tap water did not control decay. Heated fungicides were equally effective at concentrations of 100 and 500 µg/ml. At 100 µg/ml, heated fungicides appreciably reduced decay in either punctured or bruised apples. Unheated fungicides were equally effective at 100 and 500 µg/ml on punctured apples, but were considerably less effective on bruised apples.