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Physical Properties and Host Ranges of Viruses Latent in and Mechanically Transmitted from Jasmine. H. E. Waterworth, Research Plant Pathologist, Crops Research Division, ARS, USDA, Plant Introduction Station, Glenn Dale, Maryland 20769; Phytopathology 61:228-230. Accepted for publication 11 September 1970. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-61-228.

Viruses were isolated from introductions of Jasminum multiflorum with mild mosaic symptoms and from symptomless J. odoratissimum by triturating petal tissue in 0.025 m phosphate buffer and rubbing leaves of Chenopodium quinoa. These viruses infected few herbaceous species. Tobacco ringspot and cucumber mosaic viruses were isolated from symptomless J. nudiflorum shrubs growing in Maryland by the same procedure. The host ranges and physical properties of the latter two were typical of those for the respective viruses. The cucumber mosaic virus and the virus from J. multiflorum were transmitted by aphids. I suggest naming the two undescribed viruses “Jasmine mild mosaic” and “Jasmine latent virus 1.” This appears to be the first report of mechanical transmission of virus from jasmine.

Additional keywords: serology.