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Occurrence of Perithecia of Gibberella sp. on Carnation. Paul E. Nelson, Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park 16802; Barbara L. White(2), and T. A. Toussoun(3). (2)(3)Research Assistant, and Adjunct Associate Professor, respectively, Department of Plant Pathology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park 16802. Phytopathology 61:743-744. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-61-743.

Perithecia of Gibberella sp. were found on carnation in Pennsylvania in 1969. Single ascospore cultures produced macroconidia typical of Fusarium roseum ‘Graminearum’. The perithecia were found primarily at the base of dead plants. Occurrence of perithecia was associated with a severe outbreak of the stub dieback phase of Fusarium stem rot, and may be related to recent changes in carnation culture.

Additional keywords: Dianthus caryophyllus.