Spring Versus Fall Nitrogen Fertilization and Take-All of Spring Wheat. D. M. Huber, Associate Research Professor of Plant Pathology, University of Idaho, Moscow 83843; Phytopathology 62:434-436. Accepted for publication 15 November 1971. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-62-434.
Application of 75 lb. nitrogen as ammonium sulfate in the spring increased wheat yields 51% over nonfertilized wheat. In contrast, application of the same amount of nitrogen in the fall resulted in 31% less yield than nonfertilized wheat, and 54% less yield than spring-fertilized wheat. A similar effect occurred for straw weights. The differences were attributable to take-all which was greatest with fall-applied nitrogen and least with spring-applied ammonium sulfate. Spring application of nitrogen to spring wheat plots fertilized the previous fall resulted in yields comparable to those of nonfertilized wheat.
Additional keywords: Triticum aestivum, Ophiobolus graminis.