Suppression of Oxidant Injury on Beans by Systemic Fungicides. W. J. Manning, Assistant Professor, Suburban Experiment Station, University of Massachusetts, Waltham 02154; P. M. Vardaro, Technician, Suburban Experiment Station, University of Massachusetts, Waltham 02154. Phytopathology 63:1415-1416. Accepted for publication 15 May 1973. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-63-1415.
The effectiveness of the systemic fungicides benomyl, carboxin, and triarimol, in suppressing oxidant injury on bean cultivars ‘Tempo’ and ‘Pinto III’, was determined under field conditions. Benomyl sprays, at 2.4 and 3.6 g/liter once a week for 4 weeks, provided 70-80% suppression of oxidant injury. Plants sprayed with carboxin and triarimol, or from seed treated with carboxin, showed as much oxidant injury as untreated control plants. Carboxin, in a 10% granular form, at 7.9 g/4.6 m row over seed at planting, provided complete suppression of visible oxidant injury that lasted for 36-40 days.