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Citrus Likubin Pathogens in Salivary Glands of Diaphorina citri. Ming- hsiung Chen, Plant Pathology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Nagoya University, Nagoya; T. Miyakawa(2), and C. Matsui(3). (2)(3)Horticultural Experiment Station, Katsuura, Tokushima, Japan. Phytopathology 63:194-195. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-63-194.

Thin-sectioning of infective adults of Diaphorina citri fed on Likubin-diseased Ponkan citrus revealed numerous mycoplasmalike bodies in mucous cells of the salivary glands. The bodies were spherical, oval, or filamentous in form. They were surrounded by thin membranes and contained ribosomelike particles. These pleomorphic bodies in D. citri were similar to those observed in Likubin-diseased citrus trees.