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Ultrastructural Changes in Peking Soybeans Infected With Heterodera glycines. R. D. Riggs, Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 72701; K. S. Kim(2), and Ilene Gipson(3). (2)(3)Research Associate, and Research Assistant, respectively, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 72701 Phytopathology 63:76-84. Accepted for publication 25 July 1972. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-63-76.

Syncytia were observed in Peking soybean within 42 hr after inoculation with larvae of Heterodera glycines. Fine structural observations of syncytia revealed cell wall perforations and prominent cytoplasm containing numerous plastids, and mitochondria and proliferated endoplasmic reticulum. Syncytia were beginning to degenerate, and cell wall thickenings were prominent 4 days after inoculation. Seven days after inoculation, cytoplasmic organelles were no longer distinguishable. In addition, large segments of cell wall protruded into the syncytium and the surrounding cells. Lipid globules were frequently observed in the degenerating syncytia. The deposition of secondary wall material, which seals off a diseased area, may be the major mechanism of resistance against H. glycines.