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Population Changes of Pseudomonas glycinea on Germinating Soybean Seeds. J. A. Laurence, Research Assistant, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul 55108; B. W. Kennedy, Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul 55108. Phytopathology 64:1470-1471. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-64-1470.

Significantly larger populations of two races of Pseudomonas glycinea developed on germinating seeds of a susceptible cultivar, but not on a resistant soybean cultivar, thus demonstrating pre-emergence host-pathogen specificity. Host emergence was reduced in some race-cultivar combinations in the greenhouse, but not in the field.

Additional keywords: seedborne bacteria, resistance, bacterial blight of soybean.