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Association of Rickettsialike Bacteria With Plum Leaf Scald Disease. E. W. Kitajima, Professor, Dept. Biol. Cel., IB, Univ. Brasilia, 70000 Brasilia, DF, Brazil; M. Bakarcic(2), and M. V. Fernandez-Valiela(3). (2)Phytopathologist, Dept. Biol. Cel., IB, Univ. Brasilia, 70000 Brasilia, DF, Brazil; (3)Director, Est. Exp. Delta del ParanĂ¡, INTA, Campana, Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phytopathology 65:476-479. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-65-476.

Rickettsialike bacteria were consistently found in the xylem vessels of Japanese plum (Prunus salicina) affected by leaf scald, a disease confined to the delta of the ParanĂ¡ River, Argentina. This observation, besides some of the pathological characteristics of the leaf scald disease, suggested that this plum abnormality might have a rickettsial etiology.