Purification and Properties of a Tymovirus from Abelia. H. E. Waterworth, Research Plant Pathologist, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Plant Introduction Station, Glenn Dale, Maryland 20769; J. M. Kaper(2), and R. Koenig(3). (2)Research Chemist, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Plant Virology Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland 20705; (3)Virologist, Institüt für Virusserologie, Biologische Bundesanstalt, D33, Braunschweig, West Germany. Phytopathology 65:891-896. Accepted for publication 11 March 1975. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-65-891.
A tymovirus was isolated from Abelia grandiflora on the grounds of the station by ultracentrifugation of clarified flower extracts. Although the virus was latent in the source a belia, it was isolated several times during the 2-year study. In host range and symptomatology, the virus was similar to the Andean potato latent strain of eggplant mosaic virus. High yields of the purified virus and top component mixture were obtained from fresh Datura stramonium leaves when clarified with bentonite or with chloroform. Antiserum produced in rabbits reached a titer of 1:4,096. RNA content of the bottom component was 38 to 40%, determined by nitrogen-phosphorus ratio and by dry weight-optical density-phosphorus content procedures. The ratio of bases was A = 23.8%; U = 29.1%; G = 13.6%; and C = 33.5%. Sedimentation coefficients were S20,w = 54S and 114S for the top and bottom components, respectively. Serologically, the virus was closely related, but not identical with, eggplant mosaic or Andean potato latent viruses. More distant serological relationships were found with belladonna mottle, physalis mottle, dulcamara mottle, ononis yellow mosaic, wild cucumber mosaic, and cacao yellow mosaic viruses. Serological properties suggest that the virus should be regarded as Abelia latent strain of eggplant mosaic virus.
Additional keywords: immunoelectrophoresis, ribonucleic acid, specific extinction coefficient, RNase, classification.