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A Red Spot Fruit Blemish in Apricots. H. J. Larsen, Jr.,, Assistant plant pathologist, Tree Fruit Research Center, Wenatchee, WA 98801; R. P. Covey, Jr.,(2), and W. R. Fischer(3). (2)(3)Associate plant pathologist, and agricultural research technologist III, Tree Fruit Research Center, Wenatchee, WA 98801. Phytopathology 70:139-142. Accepted for publication 30 July 1979. Copyright 1980 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-70-139.

A red spot fruit blemish of apricots, particularly the Moorpark cultivar, is reported and described. It is differentiated from other blemishes, including those caused by Coryneum blight and San Jose scale, by a smooth surface texture and bright red halo. The causal agent was shown to be Alternaria alternata, and a hypersensitive host response is suggested.