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Effect of Second-Generation European Corn Borers on Resistance of Maize to Diplodia maydis. J. L. Jarvis, Research entomologist, Corn Insects Research Unit, USDA, ARS, Ankeny, IA 50021; R. L. Clark(2), and W. D. Guthrie(3). (2)Research plant pathologist, Plant Introduction Research Unit, USDA, ARS, Ames, and Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University, Ames; (3) Research entomologist, Department of Entomology, Iowa State University, Ames 50011. Phytopathology 72:1149-1152. Accepted for publication 4 January 1982. This article is in the public domain and not copyrightable. It may be freely reprinted with customary crediting of the source. The American Phytopathological Society, 1982.. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-72-1149.

A 2-yr study was conducted to determine the effects of an infestation by second-generation European corn borers (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis, on resistance of maize, Zea mays, to stalk rot (SR) caused by Diplodia maydis. SR infection had no effect on the ECB. SR damage was lowest in plots kept free of ECB with an insecticide and highest under high levels of infestation by ECB. Maize genotypes resistant to second-generation ECB also were resistant to SR. In genotypes resistant to SR but susceptible to ECB, resistance to SR broke down under high levels of infestation by ECB.

Additional keywords: insect resistance.