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A Sequential Sampler for Monitoring Water-Disseminated Pathogens from Trees. B. D. Olson, Graduate research assistant, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology and the Pesticide Research Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing 48824; A. L. Jones, professor, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology and the Pesticide Research Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing 48824. Phytopathology 73:922-925. Accepted for publication 21 December 1982. Copyright 1983 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-73-922.

An apparatus for studying the dissemination of waterborne pathogens from trees is described and illustrated. It is used for monitoring a population of rifampicin-resistant Pseudomonas syringae pv. morsprunorum in rainwater collected under a cultivar Montmorency sour cherry tree. The apparatus collects rain from a 5,026-cm2 area and saves 5- to 8-ml subsamples for each 0.5 mm of rainfall. Simplicity of design and a sequential sampling mechanism operated solely by the weight of the collected rainwater make this apparatus useful for certain phytopathological studies.