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Monilinia fructicola Resistance in the Peach Cultivar Bolinha. A. Feliciano, Plant pathologist, EMBRAPA/Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Fruteiras de Clima Temperado, Caixa Postal 403, Pelotas 96100, RS, Brazil, Present address: Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis 95616; A. J. Feliciano(2), and J. M. Ogawa(3). (2)Plant breeder, EMBRAPA/Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Fruteiras de Clima Temperado, Caixa Postal 403, Pelotas 96100, RS, Brazil, Present address: Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis 95616; (3)Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis 95616. Phytopathology 77:776-780. Accepted for publication 29 September 1986. Copyright 1987 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/Phyto-77-776.

A search for Monilinia fructicola resistance among adapted peach cultivars and selections indicated that the best technique to obtain differences in degrees of resistance is to artificially inoculate maturing fruit. Twig and blossom inoculation showed no detectable differences. With the fruit inoculation technique, the peach cultivar Bolinha was more resistant than the selection Conserva 144, as indicated by the reduced rate of lesion development and sporulation per unit area. Field observations for a 3-yr period support these results, in that the incidence of brown rot infected fruit is less on Bolinha than on Conserva 144 or other commercial cultivars.