Letter to the Editor
Global Warming and Nonlinear Growth: How Important are Changes in Average
Temperature? H. Scherm and A. H. C. van Bruggen. Department of Plant
Pathology, University of California, Davis 95616. Phytopathology 84:1380-1384. Accepted for publication
12 September 1994. Copyright 1994 The American Phytopathological Society.
Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases, particularly CO(2), in the lower
atmosphere have led to concern about global changes in temperature and
precipitation patterns. It has been estimated that mean surface air temperature
will rise at a rate of ~0.3–0.4 C per decade because of the increased greenhouse
effect (2,10). These projections are based on outputs from General Circulation
Models (GCMs). GCMs are coupled ocean-atmosphere models that simulate the
transfer of heat, mass, and momentum in the lower atmosphere. They are reliable
tools for simulating climate on large temporal and spatial scales, but they have
two important drawbacks that may limit their usefulness for estimating the
potential impact of global warming on biological processes.