Research Distribution and Control of Sclerotium rolfsii on Apple. E. A. Brown II, Graduate Student, Department of Plant Pathology and Plant Genetics, University of Georgia, Athens 30602. F. F. Hendrix, Professor, Department of Plant Pathology and Plant Genetics, University of Georgia, Athens 30602. Plant Dis. 64:205-206. Accepted for publication 4 October 1979. Copyright 1980 American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-64-205. Sclerotium rolfsii is more prevalent in the southernmost than in the other apple-growing areas of Georgia. Recovery of the fungus from naturally infested areas is inconsistent, however. Captafol effectively reduces growth of S. rolfsii at 100 ppm in vitro and as a drench treatment. Both captafol and copper sulfate reduce recovery of S. rolfsii from roots and trunk tissue of apple trees. |