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Downy Mildew Control on Susceptible Cantaloup. M. D. Grove, United Fruit Company, La Lima, Honduras. Plant Dis. 64:390-391. Copyright 1980 American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-64-390.

Chlorothalonil and a zinc ion-maneb complex were applied with two types of sprayers to control downy mildew on cantaloup. Chlorothalonil 6F at 1.5 or 2.0 pt/50 gal/acre produced good disease control under tropical conditions. Zinc ion-maneb complex 80 WP was satisfactory only at the 3-lb rate applied with a mist blower. Significant differences in the number of exportable fruit or percentage of soluble solids were noted only between the fungicide treatments and the control.