New Diseases and Epidemics d’Anjou Pear Decay Caused by a Low Temperature Basidiomycete. R. A. Spotts, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Mid-Columbia Experiment Station, Hood River, OR 97031. J. A. Traquair, Research Scientist, Research Station, Agriculture Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada T1J 4B1; and B. B. Peters, Experimental Biology Technician, Mid-Columbia Experiment Station, Hood River. Plant Dis. 65:151-153. Copyright 1981 American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-65-151. In 1979, a basidiomycete caused significant loss of d’Anjou pears in controlled atmosphere storage at Hood River, OR. By monokaryon-dikaryon pairings, the basidiomycete was shown to be conspecific with a Coprinus species in the urticicola complex that causes winter crown rot of alfalfa. Maximum radial mycelial growth was at 10 C. Tests were positive for extracellular polyphenoloxidase and hydrogen cyanide. Of 23 fungicides tested in vitro, sterol inhibitors and dithiocarbamates at 10 µg/ml significantly reduced mycelial growth. Ziram, applied to trees 10 days before harvest, provided significant control in stored fruit. This is the first report of pear fruit decay caused by a basidiomycete and the first record of this low temperature basidiomycete in the United States. |