Research Preserving the Viability of Stored Maize Seed with Fungicides. E. Moreno- Martínez, Professor, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico 20, D.F., Mexico. G. Vidal-Gaona, Graduate Student, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico 20, D.F., Mexico. Plant Dis. 65:260-261. Copyright 1981 American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-65-260. Maize seeds of 9.8 and 16.0% moisture were inoculated with spores of storage fungi, treated with 750 ppm of active ingredient of fungicide (benomyl, captan, captafol, chlorothalonil, carbendazim plus maneb, dichlofluanid, and thiabendazole), and stored at 85% relative humidity. Treated samples with 9.8% initial moisture content germinated 82–93% after 150 days, compared with 14% in untreated controls. Germination after 102 days in samples with 16.0% initial moisture content ranged from 7% in untreated controls and seeds treated with thiabendazole to 92% in seeds treated with carbendazim plus maneb. |