Research Tobacco Mosaic Virus Is Seedborne in Pimiento Peppers. J. W. Demski, Associate Professor of Plant Pathology, University of Georgia Agricultural Experiment Stations, Experiment 30212. Plant Dis. 65:723-724. Accepted for publication 30 December 1980. Copyright 1981 American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-65-723. Tobacco mosaic virus can be transmitted from one generation to the next on the seed of pimiento peppers. The virus was associated with the seed coats but rarely with the endosperm or embryo. More infected seedlings developed from freshly harvested seed than from seed stored for 9 mo. Disease incidence was greatest in transplanted seedlings; few if any plants became infected when seed was planted directly without transplanting. Observable systemic symptoms on seedlings took from 10 to 50 days after transplanting to develop. Treating seed with hydrochloric acid, calcium hypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite, or trisodium phosphate effectively controlled seedling infection. |