Research Resistance to Grape Fanleaf Virus in Muscadine Grape Inoculated with Xiphinema index. A. Bouquet, Research Plant Geneticist, I.N.R.A. Viticultural Research Station, 33140 Pont-de-la-Maye, France. Plant Dis. 65:791-793. Accepted for publication 30 January 1981. Copyright 1981 American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-65-791. Muscadine grapes did not show any symptoms of grape fanleaf virus (GFV) 3 yr after inoculation with infective Xiphinema index. Plants were assayed by green-grafting with the indicator host Vitis rupestris 'St-Georges,' mechanical inoculations on Chenopodium quinoa, and serologic tests. Muscadine grapes are highly resistant to GFV transmitted by nematode feeding but not by graft-inoculation with infected scions, indicating that muscadine grapes are not immune to GFV. |