Research Suppression of Monilinia laxa Spore Production by Fungicides Applied to Infected Apricot Twigs During Dormancy. T. Wicks, Department of Agriculture, Box 1671, G.P.O. Adelaide, South Australia 5001. Plant Dis. 65:911-912. Accepted for publication 15 March 1981. Copyright 1981 American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-65-911. Apricot twigs previously infected with Monilinia laxa were either dipped or sprayed with chemicals in winter, and the effect of the chemicals on spore production was measured. For both methods of application, prochloraz at 400 ppm reduced the production of sporodochia by more than 80%; this effect was similar to that achieved with benomyl at 250 ppm. Iprodione and procymidone at 500 ppm also suppressed the production of sporodochia, whereas CGA 64251, fenarimol, guazatine, imazalil, triadimefon, triforine, and a paraffinic oil were ineffective. |