Research Effect of Residue Management Method on Incidence of Cephalosporium Stripe Under Continuous Winter Wheat Production. W. W. Bockus, Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University, Manhattan 66506. J. P. Oè¾°onnor, Former Superintendent, Harvey County Experiment Field, Hesston, KS 67062; and P. J. Raymond, Research Assistant, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University, Manhattan 66506. Plant Dis. 67:1323-1324. Accepted for publication 25 May 1983. Copyright 1983 American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-67-1323. A 3-yr field experiment was conducted to compare the effect of five different wheat residue management practices (burn and disk, plow, disk, chop and disk, and direct-drill) on the incidence of Cephalosporium stripe (Cs) disease. Wheat was continuously cropped and the same management method used each year. Three-year averages of percentage Cs infection for the treatments were: burn and disk = 12.8, plow = 24.2, disk = 29.6, chop and disk = 36.7, and direct-drill = 46. Burning wheat stubble was the most effective disposal method for reducing Cs after a severe outbreak under a continuous winter wheat-production regime. After 3 yr of plowing, Cs incidence was the same as after 3 yr of burning; therefore, continuous plowing is expected to effectively help maintain low disease losses. On the other hand, reduced tillage (direct-drill) is expected to maintain high levels of Cs under continuous cropping. |