Research Strategy for Detecting Low Levels of Potato Viruses X and S in Crops and Its Application to the Victorian Certified Seed Potato Scheme. Jane R. Moran, Plant Research Institute, Department of Agriculture, Burnley, Victoria, 3121, Australia. R. G. Garrett, and Janet V. Fairweather, Plant Research Institute, Department of Agriculture, Burnley, Victoria, 3121, Australia. Plant Dis. 67:1325-1327. Accepted for publication 6 June 1983. Copyright 1983 American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-67-1325. A strategy for detecting low levels of virus infection is described. It was evaluated by studying the incidence of potato virus X (PVX) and potato virus S (PVS) in the Victorian Certified Seed Potato Scheme, using pooled samples and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In 57,000 plants examined for both PVS and PVX, incidence for both viruses averaged 0.13%. ELISA was able to detect one infected plant in 1,000. |