Research Population Changes of Pratylenchus hexincisus and P. scribneri in Maize Inbred Lines. S. W. Waudo, Graduate Student, Department of Plant Pathology, Seed and Weed Sciences, Iowa State University, Ames 50011. D. C. Norton, Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, Seed and Weed Sciences, Iowa State University, Ames 50011. Plant Dis. 67:1369-1370. Accepted for publication 22 June 1983. Copyright 1983 American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-67-1369. Population changes of Pratylenchus hexincisus and/or P. scribneri in 18 maize inbred lines were studied in the greenhouse or field. Hybrids A619Ht × A632Ht and Mo17Ht × B73Ht, or C123Ht, hosts of these nematodes, served as checks to monitor suitability of the environment for nematode reproduction. Inbreds C123Ht, Mo17Ht, and W64AHt supported significantly more P. scribneri per gram of dry root than other entries did. Inbred C123Ht also supported significantly more P. hexincisus per gram of dry root than other cultivars did. Inbreds A632Ht, B37Ht, and B68Ht supported significantly fewer P. scribneri that other entries did. Keyword(s): lesion nematode, reproduction. |