New Diseases and Epidemics Tobacco Streak, Broad Bean Wilt, Cucumber Mosaic, and Alfalfa Mosaic Viruses Associated with Ring Spot of Ajuga reptans in Australia. D. D. Shukla, Division of Protein Chemistry, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Parkville (Melbourne), Australia. K. H. Gough, Division of Protein Chemistry, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Parkville (Melbourne), Australia. Plant Dis. 67:221-224. Accepted for publication 13 September 1982. Copyright 1983 American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-67-221. Ajuga reptans plants growning at three locations in and around Melbourne displaying ring spot, line pattern, scattered yellow spots, and yellow leaf margins were infected singly by tobacco streak (Ajuga-TSV), broad bean wilt (Ajuga I-BBWV), and cucumber mosaic (CMV) viruses. Plants at a fourth location showed a very mild chlorotic mottle, faint ring spot symptoms, and contained alfalfa mosaic (AMV) and BBWV (Ajuga II-BBWV) simultaneously. Ajuga-TSV was seed-transmitted in Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, and Vigna unguiculata at rates of 48, 74, and 100%, respectively. The isolate was distinct from the Ageratum houstonianum isolate from Queensland in agar gel diffusion and cross-protection tests. It apparently is a new strain of TSV occurring in Australia. Ajuga I-BBWV was serotype 1 of the virus, whereas Ajuga II-BBWV is possibly a third serotype of BBWV not recorded previously. This is the first report of AMV and CMV in A. reptans in Australia and of A. reptans as a natural host of TSV and BBWV. Keyword(s): protein A-immune electron microscopy. |