Research The Role of Seedborne Inoculum on the Development of Macrophomina phaseolina on Melon. R. Reuveni, Newe Ya'ar Experiment Station, Division of Plant Pathology, Agricultural Research Organization, Israel. A. Nachmias and J. Krikun, Gilat Experiment Station, Division of Plant Pathology, Agricultural Research Organization, Israel. Plant Dis. 67:280-281. Accepted for publication 2 August 1982. Copyright 1983 American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-67-280. Studies using seed from artificially and naturally infected melon fruit revealed that the fungus Macrophomina phaseolina is found on both the seed coat and cotyledons. Infected seed gives rise to infected seedlings that can transmit the pathogen into the fruit and also increases the inoculum potential in the soil. The role of these findings is discussed in the context of practices used to control the pathogen in commercial plantings. |