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Nematodes Associated with Sorghum in Mississippi. J. A. Cuarezma-TerĂ¡n, Graduate Research Assistant, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State 39762. L. E. Trevathan, Associate Professor, and S. C. Bost, Extension Nematologist, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State 39762. Plant Dis. 68:1083-1085. Accepted for publication 10 June 1984. Copyright 1984 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-68-1083.

Soil and root samples were collected in 16 Mississippi counties from fields with a cropping history to sorghum. Species of 14 free-living and nine plant-parasitic genera were found. Pratylenchus zeae and Quinisulcius acutus were the most commonly recovered plant-parasitic nematodes from sorghum. A significant negative correlation occurred between P. zeae populations and soil pH and percent base saturation. A highly significant positive correlation occurred between P. zeae and total nematode populations. Correlations of soil phosphorus and potassium were both positive and highly significant in relation to population levels of Q. acutus.