Research Control of Sooty Blotch and Flyspeck of Apple with Captan, Mancozeb, and Mancozeb Combined with Dinocap in Dilute and Concentrate Applications. E. M. Brown, Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh 27695-7616. T. B. Sutton, Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh 27695-7616. Plant Dis. 70:281-284. Accepted for publication 18 June 1985. Copyright 1986 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-70-281. Sooty blotch (Gloeodes pomigena) and flyspeck (Schizothyrium pomi) symptoms were first observed an average of 30 days after the final captan spray during 1982–1984. In 1984, captan did not control sooty blotch or flyspeck when treatments were applied on a 14-day schedule. Sooty blotch symptoms were observed an average of 45 days and flyspeck an average of 60 days after the last mancozeb spray during 1982–1984. Flyspeck and sooty blotch control was considerably poorer when captan was applied concentrate (5× or 6×) as opposed to dilute; control was also poorer in some treatments in which mancozeb combined with dinocap (Dikar) or mancozeb was applied concentrate. In 1984, concentrate applications of mancozeb combined with dinocap did not control sooty blotch or flyspeck as well as concentrate applications of mancozeb. |