Disease Note. Smut of Speedwell Caused by Schroeteria delastrina in Arkansas. D. K. Heiny, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 72701. L. H. Riley, and G. E. Templeton. Department of Plant Pathology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 72701. Plant Dis. 72:175. Accepted for publication 12 October 1987. Copyright 1988 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-72-0175A. Schroeteria delastrina (Tul.) Winter was collected on corn speedwell
(Veronica arvensis L.), a lawn weed, at three locations in Fayetteville,
Arkansas, during April and May 1987. The smut destroyed seeds and
filled the seed capsules with spores. Light olivaceous-brown spores,
usually in pairs, with coarsely ribbed walls measured 7-11 µm in
diameter and closely resembled those photographed by Viinky (2).
Spores germinated in 1 day at 21 C on water agar. After 2-3 wk, short,
flask-shaped or elongate, septate promycelia and spherical sporidia in
chains formed as originally described by Brefeld (1883). Our literature
search indicates only two other reports of Schroeteria in North
America, including samples on speedwell from British Columbia and
Ontario in Canada and from Whitman County, Washington, in the
United States (1). Specimens have been deposited in the National
Fungus Collection (BPI) (USO 196394) at Beltsville, Maryland, and the
herbarium of Washington State University (WSP 68203) in Pullman.