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Streaking of Lily Leaves Associated with Infection by Botrytis elliptica. Robert P. Doss, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Horticultural Crops Research Laboratory, 3420 NW Orchard Ave., Corvallis, OR 97330. Gary A Chastagner, and Kathleen L. Riley. Western Washington Research and Extension Center, Puyallup 98371. Plant Dis. 72:859-861. Accepted for publication 28 April 1988. This article is in the public domain and not copyrightable. It may be freely reprinted with customary crediting of the source. The American Phytopathological Society, 1988. DOI: 10.1094/PD-72-0859.

Infection of leaves of Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum) with Botrytis elliptica, the causative agent of fire, sometimes resulted in the development of prominent yellow streaks that appeared distally and, to a lesser extent, proximally from the site of the lesion. Streaks that formed on leaves of Asiatic hybrid lilies were red instead of yellow. With Easter lilies, streaking occurred most frequently on older leaves of postanthesis plants. Wounding rarely resulted in streaks. Although B. elliptica was the only organism associated with streaks under natural field conditions, streaks also occurred when leaves were wound-inoculated with several microorganisms not usually pathogenic on lily leaves. This indicates that this symptom is not specific with respect to B. elliptica.