Research. Patterns of Resistance and Susceptibility to Races of Ascochyta rabiei Among Germ Plasm Accessions and Breeding Lines of Chickpea. K. B. Singh, Principal Chickpea Breeder, International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), P.O. Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria. M. V. Reddy, Senior Pulse Pathologist, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru P.O., Andhra Pradesh 502 324, India. . Plant Dis. 74:127-129. Accepted for publication 5 January 1989. Copyright 1990 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-74-0127. To identify sources of resistance to the six races of Ascochyta rabiei reported from Lebanon and Syria, 1,069 germ plasm accessions and breeding lines were screened against the races in the greenhouse at Tel Hadya, Syria, during 1985–1986. Preliminary screening of the germ plasm was done by inoculating 10-day-old seedlings. Lines with little infection were retested in the seedling and podding stages. Of the total lines, 47, 27, 29, 8, 13, and 4 were resistant to races 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, respectively. Although different lines appeared to carry genes for resistance to several races, none was resistant to all races. Three lines (ILC-202, ILC-3856, and ILC-5029) were resistant to five races and are being used in breeding programs at ICARDA, ICRISAT, and national programs of North Africa, western Asia, southern and eastern Europe, and the Indian subcontinent. |