Research Basidiocarp Development on Mycelial Mats of Crinipellis perniciosa. L. H. Purdy, Professor, Plant Pathology Department, University of Florida, Gainesville 32611. E. R. Dickstein, Biological Scientist IV, Plant Pathology Department, University of Florida, Gainesville 32611. Plant Dis. 74:493-496. Accepted for publication 21 December 1989. Copyright 1990 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-74-0493. Basidiocarps of Crinipellis perniciosa developed in 4–5 wk on mycelial mats supported by sterilized pieces of witches’ brooms from cacao, and mats continued to produce basidiocarps for an additional 8 wk. Multibasidiospore and single-basidiospore isolates of the fungus from Theobroma cacao, Solanum spp., and lianas produced basidiocarps on mycelial mats. Keyword(s): witches’ broom, cacao, cocoa. |