Research Sources of Resistance to Downy Mildew and Rust in Pearl Millet. S. D. Singh, Cereals Program, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh 502 324, India. . Plant Dis. 74:871-874. Accepted for publication 28 March 1990. Copyright 1990 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-74-0871. A total of 3,163 germ plasm accessions from many pearl-millet-growing countries in the world were evaluated for resistance to downy mildew (DM) (caused by Sclerospora graminicola) and/or rust (caused by Puccinia penniseti). The highest frequency of DM-resistant sources was detected in accessions from West Africa, followed by East Africa, but the reverse was the trend for rust resistance. Forty-eight selections from 37 early- to medium-maturing accessions (45–60 days to 50% bloom) showed high levels of combined resistance to DM and rust in three experiments. Five selections, IP1481-L-2 (India), P2895-3 (Niger), IP6240-2 (Cameroon), IP8877-3 (Burkina Faso), and 700481-5-3 (Nigeria), developed no more than 5% DM and rust in all tests. Six selections, D322/1/-2-2 (Niger), P1449-3 (Senegal), IP6147-4 (Cameroon), P8695-1 and P8899-3 (Sudan), and P3281 (Togo), developed 5% or less mean DM severity across locations in 2–3 yr of multilocation tests in India and West Africa. Four late-maturing accessions (>60 days to 50% bloom), P310, P472 (Mali), P1564 (Senegal), and 700516 (Nigeria), developed no DM and performed well agronomically in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, and Tanzania. |