Disease Note. Glomerella cingulata Associated with Leaf and Shoot Blight of Hybrid Poplar. G. Newcombe, Washington State University, Puyallup 98371-4998. J. M. Staley, and G. A Chastagner. Washington State University, Puyallup 98371-4998. Plant Dis. 75:1186. Accepted for publication 6 August 1991. Copyright 1991 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-75-1186C. Leaf samples collected throughout Taiwan from hot and sweet
pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) showing symptoms typica.1 of vir~s
infection were inoculated to Nicotiana glutinosa L. on whICh all SIX
tobamoviruses so far reported to infect pepper are known to cause
)ocallesions. After four single local lesion transfers, the virus isolates
were maintained in N. tabacum L. 'Samsun'; particles typically shaped
like tobamoviruses were detected by electron microscopy. Twenty
isolates were further characterized by inoculation of a set of differential
hosts (2), including C. frutescens L., Eryngium planum L., Lycopersicon
esculentum Mill., N. sylvestris Speg., and Petunia X hybrida
Hort. Vilm.-Andr. Seventeen isolates were characterized as tomato
mosaic virus (ToMV) and one each as tobacco mosaic virus (TMV),
pepper mild mottle virus (PMMV), and tobacco mild green mosaic
virus (TMGMV). Virus identity was further confirmed by agar gel double-diffusion tests, using five tobamovirus antisera provided by
C. Wetter. Distinct precipitin lines without spurs were formed only
with homologous antisera. The ToMV isolates were further straintyped
on the L. esculentum differentials CSTMW-18, Perou, and
Delissa. Four of the 17 ToMV isolates were strain 1 and 13 were
strain O. Additional inoculation of a set of five Capsicum species (1)
showed that the PMMV isolate corresponded to pathotype P1.2, and
the TMGMV isolate to pathotype P0, of the so-called pepper strain
ofTMV. To our knowledge, this is the first isolation and identification
of PMMV and TMGMV in Taiwan. |