Research Fungi Similar to Gaeumannomyces Associated with Root Rot of Turfgrasses in Florida. M. L. Elliott, Assistant Professor, University of Florida, Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, Fort Lauderdale 33314. P. J. Landschoot, Assistant Professor, Agronomy Department, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park 16802. Plant Dis. 75:238-241. Accepted for publication 22 August 1990. Copyright 1991 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-75-0238. Dark-pigmented, ectotrophic fungi were isolated from the roots of hybrid bermudagrass with symptoms of bermudagrass decline, a root rot disease. Similar fungi were also isolated from the roots of St. Augustinegrass, centipedegrass, bentgrass, and perennial ryegrass that exhibited root rot symptoms. Gaeumannomyces graminis var. graminis was identified from the roots of bermudagrass, St. Augustinegrass, and a bermudagrass-perennial ryegrass mix. G. incrustans was identified from centipedegrass, bermudagrass, and St. Augustinegrass roots, whereas Magnaporthe poae was identified only from bentgrass roots. Phialophora sp. and sterile fungi similar to Gaeumannomyces were identified from bermudagrass, bermudagrass-perennial ryegrass mix, and bentgrass roots. For some locations, more than one of the organisms were identified in association with the symptomatic plant roots. Methods of isolation and identification are described. Pathogenicity of these isolates and known isolates of Gaeumannomyces, Phialophora, and Magnaporthe was examined on wheat seedlings in vitro. |