Research Occurrence of Satsuma Dwarf Virus in Zhejiang Province, China. P. F. Cui, Citrus Research Institute, Zhejiang Academy of Sciences, Huangyan, Zhejiang, China. C. F. Gu, and C. N. Roistacher. Huangyan Agricultural Bureau, Huangyan, Zhejiang, China; and Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Riverside 52521. Plant Dis. 75:242-244. Accepted for publication 10 August 1990. Copyright 1991 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-75-0242. This is the first report of the occurrence, damage, and host range of satsuma dwarf virus (SDV) in China. Observations of field trees and transmission tests done from 1987 to 1989 in Zhejiang Province with indexed white sesame (Sesamum indicum), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), and satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu) resulted in development of symptoms typical for SDV. Back transmission tests by sap inoculation from infected white sesame to white sesame were positive. Twelve satsuma variant cultivars commonly grown in Zhejiang Province and four major cultivars唯en-di-zao (C. succosa), Zhao-ju (C. subcompressa), Man-ju (C. tardiferax), and Ponkan (C. poonensis)謡ere found infected with SDV. All satsuma mandarin field trees exhibited some infection when critically examined for symptoms associated with SDV. It is probable that SDV is now widespread in Zhejiang Province and has been present in China for a long time. |