Research Distribution of Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus, Beet Distortion Mosaic Virus, and an Unnamed Soilborne Sugar Beet Virus in Texas and New Mexico. G. B. HEIDEL, Department of Plant Pathology, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, P.O. Drawer 10, Bushland 79012. C. M. RUSH, Department of Plant Pathology, The Texas A&M University System, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, P.O. Drawer 10, Bushland 79012. Plant Dis. 78:603-606. Accepted for publication ll February 1994. Copyright 1994 The American Phytopathological Society. DOI: 10.1094/PD-78-0603. The Texas sugar beet-growing area was surveyed to determine the incidence of beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), beet distortion mosaic virus (BDMV), and an unnamed soilborne sugar beet virus designated as Texas 7 (T?7). In late 1990, 302 soil samples were collected from seven Texas counties and one New Mexico county from fields scheduled for 1991 production. Sugar beet seed was planted in the soil samples, and root tissue was later harvested and tested by ELISA. Of 174 soil samples screened for BNYVV, 19 were positive. Of 128 samples tested for BNYVV and T?7, 12 were positive for T?7, three were positive for BNYVV, and 23 were positive for both BNYVV and T?7. In 1991, 159 soil samples were collected from around symptomatic beets. Root tissue from sugar beets grown in the soil samples were tested for BNYVV, T?7, and BDMV. Twenty samples were positive for T?7, 27 were positive for BNYVV, and 37 were positive for both T?7 and BNYVV. Twelve of 72 sugar beets pulled at the time soil samples were collected were positive for BDMV. Sugar beets grown in soil samples collected from eight of the 10 Texas sugar beet-growing counties were positive for BNYVV. T?7 and BDMV were identified in the three major Texas sugar beet-growing counties. BDMV was identified in one New Mexico county; this is the first report of BDMV in New Mexico. No soil samples, including those collected from around beets positive for BDMV, were positive for BDMV. |