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E-Poster Presentation at ComSciCon-Atlanta 2021​ | OPRO Meets Melissa Molho​

Melissa Molho is a recent Ph.D. graduate student from the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Kentucky.

Science outreach activity: E-poster presentation at ComSciCon-Atlanta 2021.

Type of event and intended audience: The poster was presented within a workshop for graduate students who were interested in learning about how to effectively communicate science.

Poster presented at ComSciCon-Atlanta 2021 to promote APS res​ources.

Materials/resources used to create e-poster:

Information regarding this event: ComSciCon is an annual Science Communication Workshop that is organized by graduate students in the southeastern United States and Puerto Rico.

How will you modify or improve future offerings? There was limited time to explain the poster, and the virtual setting made it difficult to gather feedback from the attendants. In the future, I hope there will be more opportunities for interaction when in-person meetings resume.

In total, how many participants were in attendance? 50 graduate students.

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