
APS is committed to making our meetings and events accessible for all of our attendees.

Overall​ Policy: Accessibility and Accommodations

APS strives to be accessible, inclusive and diverse in our facilities, programming and other offerings. Your experience in this event is important to us. If you have a disability (including but not limited to vision, mobility, hearing, physical or other health related), require communication access services for the deaf or hard of hearing, or believe that you require a reasonable accommodation for another reason we ask that you register by July 7, 2023, so APS can clarify, secure, and confirm necessary services or materials.  If you are unable to register by this date, but intend to register or if you have questions about accessibility at the event, please contact APS meetings as soon as possible.​

Find more information pertaining to access at Plant Health 2023 below.

General Accessibility Information​

Plant Health 2023 will be held at the Sheraton Downtown Denver. The Sheraton Downtown Denver and the city of Denver have a number of resources available to help you plan your meeting experience.

  • Registration (Plant Health Hub):​ A disability ​accessible kiosk will be available for badge printing.
  • Relaxation Station: The Relaxation Station is a quiet and device free space to allow our attendees the opportunity to relax and recharg​​e.
  • Lactation ​Room
  • Denver Accessibility Services​
    Get all of the information you need about accessibility for your trip to Denver. Find transportation, parking, and much more.
  • Planning and Giving an Accessible Presentation​​​
    ​Presenters at Plant Health 2023, can access resources on how to make presentations accessible to everyone that attends this year's meeting.

Childcare in Denver

​Plant Health 2023 does not have childcare available through the conference.  For those seeking this service, please see Childcare Services Referral.docx for childcare options in Denver.


We're happy to help. Please reach out to APS meetings directly for additional assistance.